February Board Game, War Game, and Role Playing Games

February Board Game, War Game, and Role Playing Games

 D&D Adventurer's League: Each Tuesday at 7 PM, grab your adventuring gear and get ready to go on the adventure of a lifetime! This adventure has a buy in of $5, with $2.50 getting applied to your store credit, and $2.50 getting applied to the store credit of your DM. If you're unable to come every Tuesday, that is ok! Your character will still be able to jump back into the campaign on the weeks you're able to join. The Dungeon Masters who run these campaigns work hard to ensure that every adventurer has an exciting and memorable experience that makes it worth the visit into Black Dragon. Keep up with the RPG world by joining the Facebook group or Discord today!

Board Game Piece PNG Images & PSDs for Download | PixelSquid - S112851512Board Game Night: Thursdays at 6 PM, stop by Black Dragon for the weekly Board Game Night. This event is free to attend. Players who participate are welcome to bring their own games, join a game that another player has brought, or pull a game off of our free Demo Library. Keep up with our local board game community by joining the Facebook group or Discord!

Warhammer PNG Clipart | PNG MartWargaming Day: Every Saturday (All Day) is a great day to go to battle! Wargamers of all kinds are welcome to pop in, grab a table, and spend the day putting to practice The Art of War with their favorite armies. This event is free to play, but keep in mind, tablespace is given on a first come basis, so you'll want to come early to get your favorite spots. Keep up with the wargaming community and upcoming events by joining the Facebook group or Discord.

Box art for Shatterpoint

Shatterpoint Premier TournamentOn February 1st at 9 AM, get ready to put your Star Wars army to the test with this Shatterpoint Premier Tournament! The cost to participate is $25. Players who participate, with a fully painted army, will get $5 in store credits. Players who play through the entire event, will have the chance to randomly win a box of Shatterpoint and custom token set. Other prize support is dependent upon attendance and will be paid out in store credit.

Monster Manual Launch Party

Monster Manual Launch PartyCelebrate the Launch of the 2024 Monster Manual on February 8th at 3 PM with this free one shot adventure! This event is limited to the first 7 participants.

Second Sunday Board Games: On February 9th from 12 PM to 8 PM spend your day playing board games! This event is free to attend, but space is limited, so be sure to come in early and pick out your table.

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