Hnefatafl: Viking Chess

Hnefatafl: Viking Chess

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History and Lore

Hnefatafl (translation Hnefa Fist or King  tafltable game)

 Archaeologists have unearthed gaming objects from Viking boat burials, the earliest from the 7th Century. Most of these consist of checker-like pieces made from glass, bone, wood, or amber. Some are shaped like discs, while some are more ornate figurines, primarily uniform in shape and size, except for one stand-out king piece known as the hnefi.

Symbolism in this version

 The white stag is known in Norse culture as the protector of the borders between worlds. I placed this symbol in the corners of the board as the king is trying to escape to sanctuary.

 In search of knowledge Odin traveled to Mimir's well located at the roots of Yggdrasil, the World Tree. He asked for a drink of water and was refused unless he sacrificed one of his eyes. I have made the game pieces look like the eye of Odin.

Odin's riddle to King Heidrek


 In the Saga of Hervor and Heidrek, the King summons his enemies to court. Gestumblindi is afraid he will be killed so he makes a deal with the powerful, but sly, Odin to meet with King Heidrek instead. Odin disguises himself, the convinces the King to settle their dispute in a battle of wits. Many of the riddles Odin proceeded to give display aspects of Viking Culture and way of life.

One riddle goes:

  "What women are they, warring together before their defenseless king; day after day the dark guard him, but the fair go forth to attack?"

King Heidrek replies:

 "It is hnefatafl, the dark ones protect the king and the white ones attack."

There are many references to this game in Nordic literature, and it is certain that this game occupied a central place in Viking culture.


GOLDEN RULE OF FUN: This is a reconstructed game from the 7th century CE. There are many variations to the rules. As long as both players agree beforehand, let the fun variations commence.

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